Can Botox® treat Erectile Dysfunction? – The answer is yes! – with Bocox™
It sounds counter-intuitive. An agent that relaxes muscle resulting in a harder erection?? Yes, that is what it does! Botulinum toxin (Botox®) relaxes the arteries that feed blood to the penis, increasing the strength and speed of the erection for as long as the Botox® lasts.
Dr. Loftin is one of a VERY limited number of physicians in San Antonio trained, certified and licensed to administer this revolutionary new rejuvenative treatment that uses Botox® to help improve men’s sexual health and performance.
“I am excited to have been trained on the standardized protocol for Bocox™, a truly novel treatment to assist with men’s intimate health.” – Dr. Loftin
What Is The Different Between Bocox™ And P-Shot®?
Doctors in the field of regenerative medicine have been treating Erectile Dysfunction with intracavernosal PRP injections (P-Shot®) for over a decade now, with excellent safety and efficacy. Now several studies have confirmed that injecting Botox® into the erectile tissue of the penis, as we do with the Bocox™ procedure, works much like Viagra to stimulate blood flow to the penis. Bocox™ when done along with P-Shot® (a combined procedure called P-Shot 100™) provides the best of both worlds to produce a synergistic, restorative effect that increases male sexual function.
Can This Work Even If I Haven't Seen Results With Viagra and Cialis?
A recent double blind, placebo-controlled trial, showed that 40% of men that were
unresponsive to Viagra & Cialis, became able to maintain an erection, sufficient for penetrative vaginal intercourse after 100 Units of Botox® was injected into the erectile tissue of the penis without any adverse side effects. The effects last for at least 3 months and 6 months in some studies.
Will I See An Increase In Penile Length Or Girth?
Most men will see an increase in the length of their flaccid penis and a reduction in the typical retraction associated with “shrinkage”. There does not seem to be any increase in girth with this procedure.
What Results Can I Expect?
For men without erectile dysfunction who want to make a good sex life better or want to do everything they can to prevent ED in the future, they can expect a faster, harder erection within the first 2wks of the Bocox™ shot. The results seem to last anywhere from 3-6mos and longer in many.
In men with ED that is vasculogenic in nature, the results are dependent on the severity of their ED. In one recent study, men with severe ED that was unresponsive to medications like Viagra and Cialis as well as Tri-mix injections, were able to get 40% of participants to achieve erections that were adequate for penetrative intercourse. This was in men whose only option left was a penile implant. So it didn’t work for all of these men, but 40% is pretty good when they were starting with nothing. The studies didn’t look at men with mild to moderate ED, however, in my experience, the majority of men who respond to Viagra, Cialis or Tri-mix injections will also respond to injected neurotoxins in the penis.
Schedule an appointment with Dr. Loftin today and discover whether Bocox™ is right for you